I considered myself of having a meltdown issue for the past say 2 weeks and that's why i deactivated my FB account as well. But all as come back to normal when i received this text message from Kak Atie (my beloved senior coworker a.k.a mentor) after i told her about the reason why i deactivated my account...it sounds like this...
"Down mmg down tp jgn jdkan sbb utk putus asa, don't give up ye, kita kena sama2 perah otak kerah tenaga utk study. Kena kuatkan semangat."
At that moment I feel that Kak Atie has spoken to me that goes straight to my heart and i feel alive again. I started to re-plan my strategy of continuing my studies and I don't wanna let myself holding me back to do so. Yes! it feels hurt and sad when you are no longer with your closest frens and you feel that you are alone...but thinking that it is just temporary, i just need to move on and set my goal of to continue my study at PhD level (though i've never think or dream bout it), and I WILL make it happen SOON!