Wednesday, December 22, 2010

lifestyle of the rich and famous

I live like a normal lady of the 21st century. Some said that i live like a rich person that can buy anything that i like with the help of cash and some "magic cards". Do i look like one? Some of my friends said that "akak orang kaya, boleh shopping kat mana2, beli barang2 mahal2, berjenama, mekap pun mahal so muka nampak cantik"..." mana2 you pegi ada jek orang tegur and kenal, tak macam i kawan2 boleh dikira ngan jari jek".....these are some words that i got from my friends and to tell the truth, i never thought that i am living in the world of "rich and famous". I work hard so i deserved myself a self-reward every time i received the "token" of my hardship.

I was born in an average family meaning that there was no "silver spoon" in my mouth. My dad, he is a hardworking man who are responsible to "bring back the bacon" by doing chores in his own farm, that time we don't have electricity and proper water supply in our house. After the government expended the electricity and proper water supply we can live a lot better. When i go to school my friends started to talk about how handsome and cute Michael J. Fox was after watching "Back To The Future!"....and me?...I have no idea of what they were talking and started to be silent and move away from them coz...i don't have tv set in my house...

When the new school season is opened, all my friends will start to show their new uniform, new pencil, new ruler, new eraser, new bag, new pencil case all with branded items and of course it is very expensive for my father to afford it for i came up with my own design of pencil case that i hand-sew it by myself. I remember the time that i can only dream to have a bugs bunny printed character on a pencil case when my friend showed her's because i know that my father will not buy that for me as there are many other urgent matters that the money will goes into. But i never regret or feel bad about it coz i understand, it is not easy for my father to support 10 family members by working as self-employee in his not-so-big kebun.

Now with my parents education and supports, I managed to redeem what i have been dream of and even more. I have good job, better income, and can afford a very nice car, a house, and some other nice stuffs that every women wants....all by my hard work. And making more friends is what i like because i want to share what have been given to me as well as my experience.

So the truth is....i am not living or enjoying the lifestyle of the rich and famous. I know where did i started from and i am honored and proud of who i am and what i am made of.

Monday, December 6, 2010

New Hijrah 1432

Again..It's been a long time that I have not written any posts to my blog. And again...I got a busy lifestyle even though it's a cliche'. Things happen so fast and unexpected..that is why people say that time won't wait...I agree coz sometimes I feel that I have wasted so many times doing things that are not so planned and yes even that I have realised that I have wasted so many times but I keep repeating the same routine. I know that I can accomplished many things if I set my mind straight and aiming for what it has to be done.

Well then think positive and straight...with new dawn of Hijrah I believe I need to set my goal and aiming to what I have to do months or even years ago. It's time to restart and regain the confidence of aiming for the best...well.... I do it not because of others but for myself. Again...some people might say that they work hard for appraisal and reward from their superior but for me I work hard because I want to achieve my goal and standard plus it's my responsibility to accomplish a good standard of work....and the award that i received was because I deserved it.